
Electronic Giving Portal

NOTICE: All eGiving financial transactions occur on a VANCO hosted site. PCI DSS Compliance Certification is in place.

Click Here to Donate via Our Secure Portal

One portal for access

We have chosen to use a Browser Portal rather than a Mobile App, which would require supporting dozens of types of devices. The browser portal has a “View Mobile Site” link which adjusts everything to your screen size.

The portal is best viewed using Google Chrome browser .

In the Habit of Giving?
Consider eGiving !

IMPORTANT TIP: Please Create A Profile before you begin using eGiving. Always sign on with your Profile, even for a one time transaction to enable a personalized giving report.

Your offering is transferred electronically and placed immediately in the church bank account.  You are notified of each transaction via preferences set in your Profile or with your one-time giving transaction. Always check your transactions!

With eGiving. you have a choice in how you would like to give:

  • Set up a regularly scheduled offering OR
  • Select a one-time special offering


Each transaction using VANCO eGiving Portal has a fee which you can choose to offset.

  • The lowest fee is to set up a recurring electronic payment from a bank account. Contact the Office for instructions.
  • The highest fee is from credit card transactions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Your bank or financial institution (holding your IRA or Money Market Account, for example) may be able to set up a recurring electronic transaction directly to the church at low or no cost to you or the church without using VANCO.