Monthly Bible Study
Women Of Hope sponsors a Monthly Bible Study every Last Tuesday of the month at 10am.
Schedule and Details posted in The Anchor.
Quilting Group
- Each year the Quilting Group sends a batch of quilts they have created to Lutheran World Relief.
- Over the past several years, hundreds of quilts have been sent for people in need.
- Please join the Quilting Group whenever you can on the Third Tuesday of the month!
- Come and see how a quilt is made. Help us cut and sort if you don’t sew! All hands are appreciated.
Kit Assemblers
An important work of this ministry includes assembling Health Kits and School Kits for LWR and Hygiene Kits for use by our local Food Pantry.
Women of Hope
- October through March Organizational Meetings are held monthly on the Second Tuesday at noon in Fellowship Hall.
- We all bring a sandwich for lunch.
- The hostesses provide dessert and drinks.
- After lunch we have a meeting and a program.
- April is usually a dinner.
- May is our regular business meeting.
Women of Hope – Projects in the Neighborhood & Around the World
Some Local projects that receive monetary annual support include:
- We Help Clinic
- Haven of Rest
- Farm Workers Self-Help
- Resurrection House
National projects include those that teach job skills and leadership training to help women support themselves and their families. “Reaching out with the Gospel” covers part of the start-up cost for new congregations where no church exists.
International monetary gifts are used to train women in work and health skills and many other projects to get women and children out of poverty and to know and love Christ.
The Women of Hope Lutheran Church also send money to the national organization of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, lovingly known as WELCA.
WELCA, founded in 1987, receives no funding from the ELCA. Its website is
- has provided more than $16.5 million in regular offerings and over $6 million in designated gifts through congregational units since 1988,
- has distributed more than $380,000 since 1988 to women through scholarship programs,
- has trained nearly 150 global educators through the Women Building a Global Community program,
- has published a variety of ministry resources in Spanish